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I Provide Exceptional ServiceMy goal is to provide you with the most exceptional service of greatest value to you. If you hire me, I will give you the right information you need in order to make the best decisions. This may be the most important decision and biggest investment that you'll ever make. And I'm honored to help you at this moment. I will provide you with an inspection report that is easy-to-read and clear-to-understand. I will submit the report to your warranty company and work with them to get the repairs started quickly. I utilize equipment that allows me to see things that you can't see. I will use an infra-red camera, a moisture meter, a GFCI and AFCI tester, a gas leak detector, an anemometer and various other tools to complete your inspection. Most other inspectors don't have the equipment that we use during every inspection. Welcome to the neighborhood.
I Am a Certified Professional Inspector CPI®I am a member of InterNACHI®, the world's leading organization of certified inspectors. I am a Certified Professional Inspector CPI®. I take Continuing Education courses to maintain my CPI® as well as my Florida Home Inspectors license. I am currently certified to complete numerous types of inspections. But I specialize in 11 Month Warranty Inspections and new construction inspections.
What Will You Inspect?We inspect everything listed in the Home Inspection Standards of Practice, which is available by visiting We spend a lot of time inspecting areas that you normally wouldn't go to. We get up on the roof and inspect the shingles and flashing. We also inspect the roof vents for proper installation (and make sure enough vents were installed). We will go into the attic and check the rafters and insulation (and make sure enough insulation was installed). We check the HVAC system to make sure the correct size was installed and you received what you paid for. We check the airflow in the vents with special equipment to ensure air-flow is not blocked. We check for water flow to all sinks and toilets and also check the drainage flow to make sure there are no sewer blockages. We have special equipment to test for moisture leaks. We have special equipment to test for gas leaks at the stove/oven and dryer connections. We also check for leaks at the gas meter and water heater. We will inspect the entire house with an infrared thermal camera that will tell us if there are hot/cool spots where they shouldn't be. We will inspect your new home like it's our new home because that's what you expect.
Should I get an 11-Month Home Warranty Inspection?We think the 11 Month Warranty Inspection is one of the most important inspections. This article answers this question.... SHOULD YOU GET A BUILDER’S WARRANTY INSPECTION? July 26, 2021 | Home Maintenance, Home Inspection, Safety | foundation, plumbing, electrical, first time homeowner, new homeowner, moving There’s no feeling quite like moving into your dream home, especially if you’ve watched with anticipation as it was being built from the ground up. If it’s your first home, then there’s double the cause for celebration! There can be a lot to learn about your home, from the foundation to the water heater, and you want to be sure that everything is functioning properly before your one-year warranty expires. That’s why it’s always a smart decision to get a builder’s warranty inspection. What’s a builder’s warranty and what does it do? After your home is finished, your builder will likely offer you a one-year warranty. This warranty is intended to cover any needed repairs up to one year after you’ve moved in. You protect yourself from any damage to your home, and it helps keep the builder accountable for their work. Getting a home inspection before your builder’s warranty expires will help catch potential issues early on, and could potentially save you thousands of dollars down the road. Aren’t you fine with just a municipal inspection? Your new home was likely assessed by municipal inspectors from the city or county to ensure it was safe to live in before you moved in. However, you shouldn’t just rely on these types of inspections to give you all the answers. Typically, municipal inspectors will conduct a walk-through style inspection that isn’t as in-depth as a standard home inspection. This means that it’s easier to miss items in an attic or crawlspace that are hidden from plain sight. Plus, another 11 months will have gone by at the time of your builder’s warranty inspection, and new repairs could be needed. But the house is brand-new, shouldn’t it be fine? So much goes into constructing a home, it’s practically impossible for it to be 100 percent perfect. Lots of different contractors are involved in the project, with builders, plumbers, and electricians coming and going at different stages. Not to mention that your home has thousands of components that all come together, and it only takes one small mistake to cause a problem in the future. You may even notice a defect yourself, but think that it’s small enough to not be a concern. In fact, it’s these types of defects that you can wind up paying big bucks for in repairs years from now. It takes a trained eye to know what needs immediate attention. What are some common issues revealed? While each house is different, here’s a list of items that are found most often during a builder’s warranty inspection: Electrical Insulation Siding Roof HVAC Heat loss Plumbing leaks As you can see, these are things that are found in older homes as well. It just goes to show that no matter the age of your home, issues will pop up. Is a warranty inspection any different? A builder’s warranty inspection is just the same as a regular home inspection. That means you’ll be getting a top to bottom examination of your home, and you can rest easy knowing that you’re protected with a comprehensive inspection.
Prepare for your inspectionYour house does not need to be clean and spotless. Inspectors know houses are being lived in. Try to make it easy to move through the house. Ladders and other equipment will need to be carried throughout the house. With punch list inspections and 11-month warranty inspections, start marking defects you notice a few days before the inspection with either a sticky note or a piece of masking tape. Have a list of items ready of anything you have found in the 10-11 months you have lived in the house. We will be sure to include them in our report and photograph them for the builder.
Read the Inspector's PromiseChoosing the right home inspector can be difficult. Unlike most professionals you hire, you probably won't meet me until our appointment. Furthermore, different inspectors have varying qualifications, equipment, experience, reporting methods, and pricing. Ultimately, a thorough home inspection depends heavily on the individual inspector’s own effort. If you honor me by permitting me to inspect your new home, I guarantee that I will give you my very best effort. Upon delivery of your inspection report, if you feel that you did not receive a thorough inspection and a comprehensive report, please let me know. TLC's promise is always to perform quality inspections and have satisfied customers.
Read the Standards, Agreement, Report, and BookPlease read the Home Inspection Standards of Practice (, the Code of Ethics (, the home inspection agreement that we sign before we begin the home inspection at the property.
Understand the Inspector's ResponsibilityThe home inspector is not an expert but a generalist. The home inspector can inspect a home and report upon the home’s condition as it was at the time of the inspection. That is the main responsibility of the home inspector. The home inspection and report are based on the observations made on the date of the inspection, and not a prediction of future conditions. The home inspection will not reveal every issue that exists or ever could exist, but only those material issues observed on the date of the inspection.
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